How to get rid of my ex!
Virtually every human being on the planet is telepathic to some degree. It does not matter if you are a newborn baby girl or a 90-year-old man you have some telepathic ability. For most people their telepathic ability is something they have little or no awareness of. They just know that they have hunches, or feelings about other people. But in truth our minds read other people’s thoughts and even if we do not consciously hear those thoughts, we get the message. We then translate that message according to our ability into a form we are comfortable with, a hunch, a feeling, I just know something about that person.
There are certain circumstances that enhance natural telepathy. The most common one is long-term relationships. Mother and daughter, father and son, husband and wife. Being in close proximity with someone over a period of time helps you to develop and tune your conscious and subconscious mind to their thought wavelengths. Even after a few months some couples have more than doubled their capacity to read each other’s thoughts.
It is this enhanced telepathic ability between couples that contributes to the end of their relationship. But at the same time the enhanced telepathic ability between the couple makes it difficult to end the relationship.
We forget that thoughts are things that have substance and power. It might help to imagine Cupid early in the relationship shooting an arrow with the idea or thought of love and hitting the person you fall in love with. In reality that is pretty close to exactly what we do. Any thought carrying a strong emotion behind it travels with the power of an arrow and impacts the person it is aimed at smack in the middle of the chakra that most closely relates to the topic. “I hate you and I wish you were dead.” Smack, in the heart chakra. “You were the worst sex of my life” Smack, in the second chakra.
What most people do not realize is that once the relationship is over and the partner has gone out the door the telepathic connection you have established does not change. So, every time you get angry, or sad, and begin hashing over thoughts of your relationship you are sending arrows right to your ex. Every time you think or say, “I wish my ex would be gone forever”, you are sending a strong arrow that attracts their attention. The harder you try to get your ex out of your life, the stronger the thought forms that you are sending. You might as well just send an email that reads: come back let us fight some more. Often that is what happens, your ex keeps emailing you, showing up, calling, and bad mouthing you around town.
Thankfully there is a solution that works.
You will become a lightworker and solve this relationship dilemma. It is simple and amazingly effective. You will make the conscious choice to change the form and substance of the thoughts you are sending to a form that creates peace and separation between you.
Here is how you do it:
You draw two circles on a piece of paper that just touch but do not overlap. In one circle you put your name. And the other Circle you put the name of the person you want peace and resolution with. This person can also be a sibling, a parent, a boss, or some other possibility.
It helps if you can draw the circles in blue. But either way I want you to imagine them in aquamarine blue. The color of truth and clear communication.
In your circle you write, I am in my circle. In the other circle you write your ex’s name, is willing to, wanting to, going to, be in his (or hers) circle. If at any time, you begin to feel the desire to rehash anything about your ex, you take out the paper and you take your finger, and go around the circle in a figure 8. Repeating to yourself I am in my circle and my ex is wanting to, willing to, going to stay in his circle. You do that a few times until you feel the emotional charge that had a hold of you dissipate.
Use your finger or thoughts to go around the two circles in a figure eight.
It will not be very long at all before both of you will not be focused on each other. Because the thought you are forming a non-harmful peaceful separation. It gives you both the opportunity to be in your own space and examine things with a detached point of view.
This exercise does not stop someone from loving you. In fact, it can improve a loving relationship that has become codependent or clingy. And you do not have to be breaking up to do this. I worked in the store and whenever there was an angry customer the boss would call me out to deal with the person. While listening to someone rant and rave I would take my finger and draw circles on the palm of my hand and be thinking this person is in his circle and I am in my circle. And I visibly could watch the person calm down, their anger diminishes, and they become centered.
Take a chance and become a lightworker today. Use aquamarine light and positive dynamic thought to change the outcome of your life.
PS Be warned, some couples have reunited after this exercise!