Shamanic empowerment
I have attended hundreds of shamanic ceremonies. I have also attended shamanic workshops and led shamanic workshops. Over the years that I was doing this I have asked many people why they were taking the workshop, or why they were attending the shamanic ceremony. Sometimes their answer was long, sometimes concise, but I noticed it always contained three words. I want power.
It is the drive and longing for personal power that is often behind person’s interest in shamanism and metaphysics.
When someone enters a shamanic ceremony with the goal of attaining power they are in big trouble from the start. A shamanic ceremony envelops people with compatible vibrations and evolves into higher and higher vibrations. Those people that come with goals that are incompatible will devolve away from the rest of the group.
I have seen individuals pacing back and forth outside of the shamanic circle. It is almost as if you are looking at a caged tiger. They cannot seem to get into the ceremony, and they cannot seem to get out. What then happens is they become fearful and/or very angry.
There is no anger in the present moment. There never is, anger is the result of unfulfilled expectations and spiraling into the past.
The person in the ceremony realizes they are not going to get what they expected to get, and the result is anger. The person also realizes that they have no control over the situation and the result is fear. If the person has not fled the scene this is usually the time that a whole lot of vomiting takes place.
So how do you get this power you are seeking whether you are in a shamanic circle or not?
The answer is simple you already have it. You cannot acquire something you already have. What you need to do to realize your power, is to make the fundamental shift from knowing that you do not have it, to realizing you always have had it. What that takes is the opposite of effort. It takes surrender. Surrender takes courage and a bit of a leap of faith.
When I was in Brazil, I was in the shamanic circle with about 150 or more people. I was in one of the back rows, standing and dancing to the drumming like everyone else. One of the leaders of the ceremony walked back to me and said to me with hand gestures and broken English, “not in your head in your heart.” I told myself she is right I can do this. Stop thinking about everything and just surrender. I just let my mind go and started to feel the music. Then I began to feel wind blowing around my feet and moving up my body. When this happened a girl from the center of the ceremony came and took my hand and brought me to the altar in the center of the room. Then a young man walked up to me he and looked at me and he smiled, then he tapped my chest with his finger, and he tapped my third eye. The minute he touched my third eye I saw nothing but an explosion of white light.
I was not unconscious, I never felt more conscious in my life. All I could see was white light everywhere. It was like I was standing in the center of a star. I felt completely serene and safe. Then I open my eyes, and I was in a different place in the room and this young man said to me, ‘who are you?” Then someone else handed me a cup of water and said drink lots of water. I went back to my place and about 30 minutes later the ceremony ended. I had been inside that star for about 10 hours. To me the amount of time that passed had been about one minute. I felt amazing afterwards and for days my energy level was extremely high.
I know some people would say that happened for me, but it would not happen to them, but that is not true. The only real difference is that I have had more practice surrendering. So, what do I do when it does not seem to be working? I pray and ask spirit and my angels for mercy. Then I decide to trust what I get.
I have had many people say to me, “Marie you are so powerful.” But they missed the whole point. When I put my hands on someone to heal them and they subsequently feel better, the energy is not coming from me it is coming through me. When I do a reading for someone 3000 miles away, the power needed to extract and interpret the information is not coming from me it is coming through me.
I did a reading for a little boy in his bedroom with his mom beside him. They were on one side of the room I was on the other. As I started to write notes about what I was seeing the little boy told me that he knew what I had just written, and he knew what I was going to write next. He also told me that he could see the gold person standing behind me giving me the information.
Another child drew a picture of me with three yellow balls behind me. When I asked him what they were he told me they were the gold angels that come to help me.
All healing power, all psychic power, all shamanic power, all mystic power comes from divine spirit.
To have that energy come through you, first you must be willing to surrender and then you must have a sincere desire to do good with that power. And the rest is a bit climbing a pyramid. You go step-by-step carefully on the way up and carefully on the way down.