Returning to your body
Healing by returning the soul to its proper position in the body.
Over the last 30 years I have heard and read a tremendous amount about the out of body experience. There has been a lot of hype about trying to get or go out of body. I have found that most people with serious illnesses are out of body. In some cases, returning their soul to the proper position in their physical body is enough to make a major change in their health. Sometimes it is having the soul out of the body that has caused the illness. Most people naturally go out of body when they are sleeping. If a person is out of body during a major part of the day and then also at night, their soul is not in their body enough to maintain good health. A person needs to have their soul properly aligned with their physical body at minimum 50% of the time. If you are not properly aligned with your soul 50% of the time you can have problems with weight gain or loss, illness, sleep pattern problems, immune problems, problems with sexual function, and psychological problems. People that do not have their soul fully in their physical body do not feel physically and emotionally nearly as much as someone who is fully in their body. Because of this they often do not know if they are hungry, so they can suffer from overeating or bouts of low blood sugar from waiting too long to eat, and the resulting mood swings. Because they are not able to feel the full range of emotions, they have difficulty with empathy and understanding. People whose souls are out of their physical body are also often off balance and clumsy. If you notice someone is often quite bruised up from bumping into things and is dropping and breaking things there is a good chance this is caused from being out of body.
How does this happen? People go out of body for many reasons. The most common and obvious are major accidents such as car wrecks, bike crashes, falls off a cliff etc. A second common cause is when the person is the victim of an act of violence. If a person has been hit, beaten, raped, or severely threatened in some other way the person may go out of body and stay that way for many years. A nonviolent accident can also cause a person to go out of body, like the breaking of an arm or a leg from slipping on ice or something of that nature. A person can also go out of body and not return from a severe illness that resulted in a near-death experience even though the person recovered from the illness.
All these types of cases I have just mentioned I have personally seen many times over the years. The one thing the people involved in these cases all had in common was the shared knowledge that they were unwell and the frustrating experience that the doctors were unable to discover the cause of their illness.
There is one other way that people go out of body and perhaps it is the most important. Incrementally piece by piece, insult by insult, bad day by bad day, heartbreak by heartbreak etc. The overall stress and unresolved upset of life sometimes makes us want to feel less and be less and less here. The result is to habitually want to be more out of your body then in, and this feeling increases over time. In a way you feel less, so it seems safer. It feels dead emotionally and therefore easier to be in control. The problem is it leaves your physical body very unprotected and often the person does not even know they are sick until it is catastrophic.
The good news is you can get back in your body in minutes and you can start to feel better right away. The more your soul and your physical body are aligned the more your youthful vigor will return.
I was teaching a shaman workshop where all my students met once a week. One of the first things we did was to make sure that we were all in our bodies. My first exercise was to have everyone get a partner and help each other realign their souls with their physical bodies. There was a woman taking the workshop who weighed about 350 pounds. After we did the exercise she said to the class, “I am kind of heavy”. Everyone started laughing except for me. I was not laughing but I was happy for her because I realized she probably had not been in her body for a long time. We did not say too much about it and went on and finished the class. Then we did not see her for the next two weeks. I was a bit concerned and I was sending love and light her way hoping all was well with her new status. On the third week she came back to class, and it was a shock. She had lost quite a bit of weight. She told the class she was two pants sizes smaller, and she had lost almost 20 pounds. She went on to share that for the first time since she was 12 years old, she could tell when she was hungry and when she was not hungry, and she was really enjoying food. She said she was cooking for her family instead of eating junk food and they were all loving it.
She also was kind enough to share with the class that when she was 12, she was raped by her grandfather. She said that she thought that she had gotten over the incident. But she realized she had never returned to her body. She shared that she felt that returning to her body was the more complete healing for her and her family. She said she was happier than she had been in a long time.
Over the past 30 years I have seen both men and women like this young woman who had had some horrible shock or trauma in their life resulting in them separating their soul from their physical body. Because the trauma was painful the person never wished to feel anything like that again. There is great resistance to return the soul back to the physical and begin once again to feel everything around them. Being so disconnected is living in a dream world and it does not protect the person from pain or illness. When I return people to their bodies who have been disconnected for years they are stunned when they realize how sick they are. They have little cognitive memory as to how they got to the debilitated state that they are in. There is also confusion as to why the people around them failed to understand how they feel towards others and themselves. All of this is the result of being so removed from your body that all your feelings and thoughts were buffered much in the same way as if you had been heavily sedated.
When a person does finally return to their body after a short adjustment time, they begin to feel a much fuller range of joy, happiness, and energy like they had before the trauma disabled them.
The simple solution is to get into your body.
The exercise to do it is simple. Your soul body looks just like you but maybe a tiny bit more transparent. Typically, when you go out of body your soul body ascends straight up above you so that the feet of your soul body are somewhere around the chest area of your physical body. To get back into your physical body totally is simple. Stand in front of a mirror with your eyes open. Breathe normally. Say to yourself I am now willing for my soul body to be 100% in my physical body. As you breathe think of your breath pulling your soul down your body to your feet. Do this for several minutes, until you feel a tingling in your feet. You should also notice a feeling of being heavier, denser, and a feeling of being shorter. If you spend a lot of time out of your body this will be a somewhat new feeling, enjoy it. This is how you should feel.
Because people who are out of their body frequently feel unsafe, they tend to blow out their personal space much farther from their bodies than they should. Everyone has an energy field around the body it usually extends about 3 to 4 feet. I have found that people that spend a tremendous time out of body tend to extend their energy field out as far as 10 to 25 feet. Unconsciously they do this to try to protect themselves but that puts them in everybody’s space that they encounter. When someone does this, they pick up everything from anyone negative that crosses their path. Then the person feels exhausted at the end of the day. It also makes it very difficult for the person to protect themselves from energic attack. I have developed an exercise that is quite effective to reverse this problem. Here it is.
Think of your energy field as a red balloon. If the balloon was small, the walls would be tough and it would be hard for something to get through it but if it was blown up really large the walls would be thin, and it would be easy to break and have something get through. For your energy balloon I want you to use your breath and with your mind as you exhale pull that red balloon in closer to you, thinking I want my energy field very close to my body. Do this for a few minutes until you feel that your energy field is very close and very dense. You will feel the difference. You should feel more solid and somewhat safer.
Next, I want you to imagine a waterfall washing right from the top your head to your toes and as you breathe say to yourself, anything that is in my energy field that does not belong to me, will now wash right out and go into the earth. Breathe and do this for three breaths.
Now go outside and walk around and see how you feel. You should feel a real difference. This is you in your body, in your own energy field, without anybody else’s junk in your field, as you should be.