Living with your angels
It is harder for other people than it is for me to figure out how to live with their angels. I spent a long time looking at them before it ever occurred to me to talk to them. Now that almost 70 years old it is as natural as a phone call.
The first time I remember seeing angels I was five or six years old. I woke up in the middle the night and there were two of them standing just inside the doorway of my bedroom. I still remember it very clearly. The first thing that struck me about them was that they were taller than the door and their heads almost touch the ceiling. One look like a man and one looked like a woman, and they were both extremely shiny. I think that is what woke me up they were lighting up my whole room. They did not move or say anything. There were sparkles everywhere around them moving like fireflies. I did what every sensible child would do, I put my head under the covers and hoped that they would go away. I stayed there for quite a while and then I peeked out and they were still there. So, I decided I better put the pillow over my head too and at some point, I fell asleep.
Since then I have seen them many times in my life but perhaps the most spectacular was in a spiritual
ceremony in Brazil. I was in a church with about 150 people doing a special ceremony to call Archangel
Michael for the purpose of healing. There was so much white light moving back and forth in that
ceremony that it was spectacular. About halfway through the ceremony suddenly, I could see Archangel
Michael standing right in the middle of the altar and right through the top of the church about 30 feet
high all in electric blue and white light. There was light just spinning in every direction from him. There
were what looked like dark energies coming off people in the ceremony and getting scooped up in the
spinning white light. The darkness from people was going up through Archangel Michael and into a light
leaving the people shining. To this day it was the most beautiful and amazing thing I have ever seen.
For me angels are easy. They are beautiful incredible beings here to help us, with healing, protection, information, and love. It is rare that I have done a reading for anybody that does not have an angel with them and sometimes they have more than one. The sad thing is that people do not believe that the angels are there and even when I tell them, they are doubtful.
Let us assume that you do have an angel because you do, and that it could help you. Let me give you an example. One time I asked my angel that if I ever had a car problem to send someone to help me right away. Then I forgot all about it. I spun out on the ice in my car and got packed in the snow. Within about three minutes this guy drove up and said, “I bought this truck just so I can save people can I save you”. I said, “Sure go right ahead”. He pulled me out refused any money, thanked me for letting him save me, and drove away. A year later I slid off the ice into a ditch less and then two minutes later someone drove up and said almost exactly same thing. “I am here to save you can I pull you out of the ditch”. And the same thing happened. He pulled me out, got my car straightened out, and refused any money. He thanked me for letting him save me and drove away. I got a flat tire in Medford, Oregon I was with my boyfriend who was complaining about how he could not change the tire. I turned to him said, “Do not worry someone will be here in two minutes to change the tire”. While he was telling me how ridiculous that idea was, this gorgeous Norwegian guy walks up and says, “I love changing flat tires can I change this tire”. I said, “Sure can I pay you”. He said, “No I just want to change the tire for you”. He changed my tire and went away smiling. This is what angels can do for you.
How do you talk to your angels and get them to do something like this?
Talk to them just like you would talk to your favorite big brother or your grandmother. Just say to your angel, I need help with something and if you can help me this is problem, I would like you to help.
Angels are not particularly chatty individuals they do not talk back very often. They are not very verbal. You should know when they do say something it is usually because it is very important. I was driving late at night through Utah in the fast lane and an angel said, “Move as far to the right as possible”. Which I did and just a minute later a car came driving by on the wrong side of the freeway in the lane I had been in. In this case the angel said something that saved my life, but it is very rare for them to do that.
What can your angels do for you?
They are very good at protection. Can ask your angel to put protection around your house so no one will break in, so it will not catch fire, so the storm will not hit it. Ask your angel to put protection around your child so no stranger will notice your child and harm her or him. Ask your angels to influence your intuition when making decisions about places to say stay, routes to take when you travel, restaurants to eat in so you make the wiser safer choice.
There is a place on the astral called the divine hospital. You can ask your angels to take you to the divine hospital while you sleep and help you to heal. I have been there several times and woke up feeling much better.
Just recently something was bothering me, and I needed more information, but it just was not available. I decided to call my angels and I said, “I am going to go to sleep now, and I want you to fill me in on everything I need to know about this problem”. I woke up with this great sense that everything was fine and that I did not need to worry about what I was worried about anymore.
Sometimes angels will give you gifts. It was in a meditation, and I was handed these thin books of various florescent colors. When I asked what they were I was just told these are for you. Three days later I was able to see the chakra energy that I see when I do readings.
Once in the meditation and angel said to me would you like to see a different color. I said sure. Then to my complete surprise I suddenly saw a color that does not exist anywhere on this planet. I was so completely startled. And then I just heard this mirthful laughter.
Your angels are there for you every minute of every day. They love you and they want to help you. There is nobody that does not have access to an angel. All you have to do is start talking to them and tell them what you need and see how much easier your life will become.
Think of your angel as a friend at the edge of a group of your friends, waiting for you to ask her or him to come along. I am going to meditate now would you please join me in my meditation. I am going to sleep would you please be with me while I sleep and keep me safe. I am going to pray for my mother would you help connect my energy to God and her energy to God. I am going to be driving a long distance today would you please be with me help keep me alert and keep dangerous drivers away from me. I must see the doctor today you please make sure my doctor is extra alert and paying attention to my needs. My business is kind of slow will you help people that need my services find me.
When I do a reading for someone people ask me how I find out the information about them and I tell them it is very simple. Your angels will tell you everything I need to know. Then I sit down with a blank piece of paper in front of me to do their reading and I say, “I am asking all my angels and all (John Smith’s) angels to show me and tell me everything that it is in his best interest to know at this time, if it is God’s will. And a few seconds later there is a huge amount of information in front of me. That is all there is to it.
The very last thing my grandmother said to me before she died was, “Do not forget your angels, they are the ones that will heal you”
The doctors who had examined my grandmother said she had been having heart attacks repeatedly but somehow, she was recovering from them on her own and they did not understand how that was possible.